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"Tunawaombea Mrudi Salama" Kenyan Cops on Haiti Mission Were Captured Psyching Themselves with Dance after Landing in Country

When they landed at Port-au-Prince airport, they did something unexpected—they started dancing. This dance wasn't just for fun; it was a way to boost their spirits and get ready for the tough job ahead.

Before their departure from Kenya, President William Ruto prayed for their safety and success. He also asked for protection for the officers and their families while they are away. Interior Permanent Secretary Raymond Omollo saw them off, showing support and encouragement for their mission.

This mission is part of a larger effort by Kenya to support Haiti and its fight against dangerous gangs. Kenya is leading this peacekeeping mission, joined by other countries like Nigeria, Burundi, and several others. 

Their goal is to bring stability and security to Haiti, where violence and crime have been major challenges.The decision to send these officers wasn't taken lightly. 

It followed a green light from the United Nations Security Council, allowing Kenya to lead this multinational effort. The officers will be operating from military barracks constructed with the support of US soldiers in Haiti.

Back home in Kenya, their departure sparked mixed reactions among Kenyans. Some expressed concern due to previous warnings from Haitians to stay out of their affairs. However, many others showed support and wished the officers well in their mission.

The dancing moment captured on video as they disembarked from the plane reflects the spirit of unity and determination among the officers. 

As they settle into their roles in Haiti, these Kenyan police officers carry with them the hopes of their nation. 

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