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Nyeri Jobless Mother Appeals for Help to Raise KSh 3m to Save Baby with Heart Condition

Source: UGC

A mother in Nyeri, Kenya, is desperately seeking financial assistance to save her baby boy, Ronnie, who has a severe heart condition.

Agnes, who recently graduated and is currently jobless, and her husband are in a dire situation, trying to raise KSh 3 million for Ronnie's treatment in India.

Baby Ronnie was born in February 2024. The joy of his birth was quickly overshadowed by health complications. Soon after birth, Ronnie began showing signs of illness, prompting his worried parents to seek medical help. 

After numerous hospital visits and consultations, Ronnie was diagnosed with pulmonary atresia, a serious heart defect.

Pulmonary atresia is a congenital heart defect, meaning it's present at birth. This condition occurs when the pulmonary valve, which is supposed to regulate blood flow from the heart to the lungs, does not form properly. 

As a result, blood cannot flow from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen, which is essential for the body's organs and tissues.

According to medical experts, including those at Boston Children's Hospital, pulmonary atresia is a life-threatening condition. It affects approximately one in every 10,000 newborns. 

Babies born with this defect require medication and often need surgery to correct the issue and ensure proper blood flow to the lungs.

Despite their best efforts, Agnes and her husband have not been able to find the necessary treatment for Ronnie in Kenya. 

The local cardiologists and hospitals have informed them that the best chance for Ronnie's survival lies in specialized surgery available in India. 

However, the cost of this treatment, including travel and accommodation expenses, is estimated to be around KSh 3 million, a sum the family cannot afford.

Agnes shared her heartbreaking story in an interview with

"We have taken baby Ronnie to all hospitals, but the cardiologists insist that we have to take the baby to India," she said. "I graduated last year, and it has been difficult for my family and I to raise KSh 3 million for his treatment."

In their time of need, Agnes and her husband are turning to the kindness of strangers, hoping that generous individuals will come forward to help save their son's life.

They are appealing to well-wishers, friends, and anyone who can contribute to their cause. Donations can be made through Agnes's phone number, 0719420108.

Agnes expressed her gratitude for any assistance they receive, acknowledging that every little bit helps bring them closer to their goal of saving Ronnie's life.

"The treatment is supposed to cover accommodation and transport costs," she added.

Unfortunately, Agnes's story is not unique. Many families in Kenya and around the world face similar challenges when their loved ones require specialized medical care that is not available locally. 

The financial strain, coupled with the emotional toll of caring for a sick child, can be overwhelming.

One such case is that of gospel singer Sainka Atieno, who is also in need of urgent medical treatment. Atieno has been diagnosed with multiple aneurysms, a condition that has escalated to a life-threatening stage. 

She requires KSh 1.3 million for surgery. Atieno's plea for help echoes the struggles of many who cannot afford critical medical care.

Agnes's plea for help is a call to action for anyone who can contribute to making a difference in baby Ronnie's life. 

Donations, no matter how small, can add up to provide the necessary funds for his treatment. By coming together as a community, we can give Ronnie a chance at a healthy and happy life.

For those interested in helping, contributions can be made directly to Agnes through her phone number, 0719420108. 

Additionally, spreading the word about Ronnie's condition and the family's need for assistance can help reach more potential donors.

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