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Raila Odinga About-turn: Why Ruto Named Only Half Cabinet

On Friday, President William Ruto unveiled only half of his new Cabinet, a move influenced by unexpected developments involving ODM leader Raila Odinga. Sources suggest that Raila was initially prepared to join a proposed government of national unity but had a change of heart at the last minute.

On Friday, July 19, 2024, Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party and a prominent figure in the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition, addressed recent allegations that the coalition might be considering joining President William Ruto's administration. This announcement comes amid increasing speculation and rumors suggesting internal conflicts within the coalition.

The shift in Raila's stance appears to have been influenced by a meeting with a former political figure who reportedly advised him against aligning with Ruto. This individual, who has had past conflicts with Ruto, may have played a key role in Raila's decision. The situation remains fluid, with uncertainty surrounding whether Raila will eventually agree to join Ruto’s government.

Raila’s hesitation comes amid mounting pressure from within his ODM party. Some party leaders have cautioned Raila that joining Ruto’s administration could damage his reputation as a champion of the people. They argue that associating with a government perceived as failing could undermine his legacy.

As a result of this sudden change, President Ruto has announced only a partial list of his new Cabinet members. The positions confirmed so far include Rebecca Miano as Attorney General, Kithure Kindiki for the Interior, and Dr. Debra Barasa as the Health Secretary.

The education portfolio will be headed by Julius Ogamba, with Aden Duale taking charge of Defence. Agriculture will be managed by Dr. Andrew Karanja, while Davis Chirchir will oversee Roads. Dr. Margaret Ndung'u is appointed to ICT, Solpan Tuya to Environment, and Alice Wahome to Public Works.

During a press conference held to clarify these issues, Kalonzo Musyoka strongly rejected the claims that the Azimio coalition was planning to become part of President Ruto’s proposed broad-based government. He emphasized that the coalition remains firmly committed to supporting the Kenyan people and striving for better governance, and that any decision made by individual coalition members to join the government would not represent the collective stance of the coalition.

This partial cabinet unveiling follows Ruto's recent dismissal of six Cabinet Secretaries in response to public protests and dissatisfaction. The President had previously stated that he would be assembling a new team to address the country’s pressing issues and implement his Kenya Kwanza agenda.

Kalonzo also took the opportunity to address specific rumors about Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), which is part of the Azimio coalition. There have been widespread reports suggesting that Raila Odinga was considering joining President Ruto's administration, which Kalonzo firmly denied. He clarified that Raila's recent proposals were misunderstood and misrepresented by some media outlets.

President Ruto’s decision to name only part of his Cabinet underscores the ongoing political maneuvering and the impact of Raila Odinga’s shifting position. The final composition of the Cabinet will likely depend on further developments in Raila’s deliberations and consultations with his party.

Kalonzo’s comments were intended to counteract the growing narrative that Azimio leaders might be split or considering a shift in their political alignment. The confusion largely stemmed from Raila Odinga’s call for a national convention, which some interpreted as a potential precursor to joining President Ruto’s administration. However, Kalonzo made it clear that this was not the case.

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