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Siaya: Mystery Surrounds Death of 40-Year-Old Suspect in Police Custody

Fredrick Odhiambo Ochieng' died 20 minutes after being detained. Photo: Simon Maina.

Source: Getty Images

Fredrick Odhiambo Ochieng', a 40-year-old man, was found dead in a police cell only 20 minutes after his arrest in Gem Yala, Siaya County.

This unexpected death has sparked an investigation and raised many questions about what happened during those brief moments in custody.

Fredrick Odhiambo Ochieng' was arrested because he did not attend a court summons for an assault case at the Siaya law courts.

His arrest followed a desperate search by the police. To find him, the authorities resorted to detaining his mother.

This tactic was intended to pressure Ochieng' into coming out of hiding. Concerned for their mother, Ochieng's brothers eventually revealed his location to the police.

Once in custody, Ochieng' was placed in a cell at the Ramula Police Post. He was supposed to be transferred to the Yala Police Station soon after.

However, just 20 minutes after his arrest, he was found dead in the cell. This sudden death has raised many concerns and prompted an immediate investigation.

Uranga sub-location Assistant Chief Vitalis Otunga confirmed the incident. He explained that Ochieng' was found dead while waiting to be moved to Yala Police Station.

A police vehicle was prepared to transport him, but tragically, it was too late. The circumstances of his death remain unclear, and the police are now working to determine what happened in those critical 20 minutes.

Following his death, Ochieng's body was taken to the Yala sub-county hospital mortuary. A post-mortem examination is scheduled to establish the cause of death.

This examination is crucial in understanding whether Ochieng' died of natural causes, if there was foul play, or if there were any other contributing factors.

This incident is not isolated. In another tragic case in Makueni, police are investigating the death of a one-and-a-half-year-old child who died in custody at Kambu Police Station.

The child and his mother were detained due to a debt case. Despite the mother's repeated pleas to take her child to the hospital, the police allegedly refused.

The mother claimed that during the arrest, she was forcefully removed from her shop and in the process, her child was struck, causing the child to become unconscious. The deputy police commander at Kambu Police Station, Ahmed Hussein, denied allegations of physical abuse.

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