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Tana River Family Inconsolable After 10-Year-Old Boy Hangs Himself In Their Mud-Thatched House


A village in Tana River County is mourning the tragic death of a ten-year-old boy who took his own life on July 19, 2024. This heartbreaking event has shocked the local community and left many people struggling to understand what happened.

The boy, a Grade 5 student, had been playing with his friends near his home in Madogo Town. According to neighbors, he was in good spirits and showed no signs of distress or sadness before the incident. After spending time outside, the boy went into his family's mud-thatched house alone.

His friends noticed he had been missing for some time and became worried. They called out to him but received no answer. Concerned, they went into the house and found him hanging from a rope. The sight was devastating, and they quickly alerted others in the village.

Roseline Nyateta, a neighbor who knew the boy’s family, shared her shock at the event. “I wasn’t there when it happened, but I heard from others that he just left his friends and went inside the house. 

They only realized something was wrong when he didn’t answer their calls,” she said. The boy’s mother was not home at the time of the incident. When she returned, she was overcome with grief and cried loudly.

 Neighbors gathered around to comfort her and offer their support. Grace Mwangangi, the boy’s grandmother, was also deeply affected by the loss. She struggled to make sense of the tragedy, saying, “I spent a lot of time with him. 

He was always a kind and well-behaved child. I never noticed anything that would have made me think he could harm himself. This is very sad and hard to understand.”

When the police arrived, they took the boy’s body to the mortuary at Garissa County referral hospital. By then, many villagers were at the house, trying to come to terms with the reality of what had happened. The community was in shock and disbelief, with many people still trying to process the news.

The boy’s death has raised questions about whether there were any signs of emotional distress that were missed. Many people are now calling for increased awareness and resources to address mental health issues before they lead to such devastating outcomes.

The local community is coming together to support the boy’s grieving family. Friends and neighbors are offering their condolences and helping in any way they can. Despite the support, the pain of losing such a young life is immense and will be felt for a long time.

Local leaders and organizations are being urged to develop programs and resources to help both children and adults manage their emotional and psychological well-being. 

The community is coming together to honor the memory of the young boy and to work towards creating a more supportive environment for all its members, especially those who may be struggling with their mental health.

It is crucial for families, schools, and communities to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing emotional issues. 

The village in Tana River County will remember the boy with sadness and grief, but also with a renewed commitment to improving mental health support. Through collective effort and increased awareness, there is hope that the community can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone.

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