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Growing Divisions in Azimio la Umoja Over Proposed Dialogue with President Ruto


Nairobi, Kenya – July 18, 2024 – A significant split has surfaced within the Azimio la Umoja coalition concerning the proposed national dialogue by President William Ruto.

This rift came to the forefront during a pivotal meeting on July 17, 2024, highlighting stark differences between key coalition leaders, Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka.

Azimio la Umoja is a political coalition that brings together several parties, including the ODM (Orange Democratic Movement) led by Raila Odinga and the Wiper Democratic Movement led by Kalonzo Musyoka.

The coalition was formed to create a unified opposition front against the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition.

President William Ruto has been advocating for a national consultative forum to address various issues, particularly those affecting younger generations.

This forum is intended to foster a "broad-based government," similar to a Government of National Unity, which aims to include diverse political voices and foster national cohesion.

On July 17, the Azimio la Umoja coalition held a crucial Parliamentary Group meeting to discuss their collective stance on the proposed dialogue. The meeting was tense, reflecting deep divisions within the coalition.

Raila Odinga, leader of the ODM, expressed his support for the national dialogue, believing it could address longstanding issues that affect Kenyans. "Every Kenyan must be brought to the table," the ODM stated, emphasizing the need for a national conversation.

In stark contrast, Kalonzo Musyoka, leader of the Wiper Democratic Movement, opposed the idea of joining the dialogue proposed by President Ruto. His opposition was so strong that he walked out of the meeting, a dramatic move that underscored the severity of the disagreement.

Raila Odinga and his supporters within the ODM view the national dialogue as a positive step toward addressing critical national issues and fostering unity.

They believe that engaging in dialogue with President Ruto could create a conducive environment for resolving longstanding problems that affect many Kenyans.

Raila's position was further reinforced during the ODM's Parliamentary Group and National Executive Council meeting.

The meeting concluded with a resolution to support the idea of a National Convention or Conversation to address these issues. Raila and his allies believe that such dialogue is necessary to bring every Kenyan to the table and create a more inclusive government.

However, Kalonzo Musyoka and his supporters within the Wiper Democratic Movement vehemently oppose the idea of joining the government proposed by President Ruto.

During a press briefing, Kalonzo declared that the Azimio coalition would not be part of any "broad-based or other government with the Kenya Kwanza coalition."

Kalonzo's position is supported by several key figures, including Party of National Unity leader Peter Munya, former Cabinet Secretary Raphael Tuju, and Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua.

The disagreement within the coalition reached a boiling point during a press briefing held by Kalonzo Musyoka and his supporters.

The briefing was abruptly disrupted by rowdy youths who ejected Kalonzo and other leaders from the venue. These youths, reportedly loyal to Raila Odinga, expressed their discontent with Kalonzo's opposition to the dialogue. They made it clear that they would not allow the Azimio leaders to contradict the ODM leader.

Raila Odinga later apologized for the disruption, calling it an "unfortunate incident." This apology, however, did little to quell the growing tension within the coalition.

The ongoing disagreement within Azimio la Umoja has significant implications for the coalition's future.

The rift between Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka reflects deeper issues within the coalition, including differing visions for its role in the country's political landscape.

Raila Odinga's support for the national dialogue suggests a willingness to engage with the current government in a bid to address national issues and promote unity.

This approach, however, is seen by some within the coalition as a betrayal of their opposition stance and a move that could weaken their position against the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition.

On the other hand, Kalonzo Musyoka's firm opposition to joining the dialogue reflects a more hardline stance against the current government. Kalonzo and his supporters believe that engaging in dialogue with President Ruto would undermine the coalition's opposition role and dilute its political identity.

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