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Kalonzo Stands Firm: 'No Dialogue with Ruto'

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has firmly stated he will not engage in national talks to address Kenya's current crisis.

He reiterated this position on Wednesday evening, hours after meeting with Opposition leader Raila Odinga and other Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition leaders.

Kalonzo took to social media, declaring "No national conversation" on X. He has consistently rejected President William Ruto's proposal for dialogue aimed at reducing political tensions. 

The meeting, organized by Raila Odinga, included key figures from the coalition such as Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, Kenya African National Union (KANU) chairman Gideon Moi, Party of National Unity (PNU) chairman Peter Munya, and Siaya Governor James Orengo. They discussed various issues affecting the coalition, particularly the recent developments causing internal strife.

The coalition has experienced divisions, especially after one member party, ODM, accepted positions in President Ruto's government. This move has led to fears of a split within Azimio. Martha Karua's Narc-Kenya party has even expressed a desire to leave the coalition.

President Ruto has nominated several ODM members for key positions in his administration. John Mbadi, the ODM chairman, has been nominated for the National Treasury, while Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi has been selected for the Energy docket. Deputy party leaders Wycliffe Oparanya and Hassan Joho have been nominated for Cooperatives and MSMEs and Mining and Blue Economy dockets, respectively.

In response, Kalonzo has instructed Wiper MPs to oppose the nomination of these ODM members during the vetting process. 

Raila's meeting aimed to address the growing concerns within the coalition and find a way forward. 

Reactions within the coalition regarding the proposed dialogue have been mixed. Some members believe that engaging in talks is necessary to address the country's issues, while others support Kalonzo's position. 

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