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Koin Kores Pleads for Help After Losing TikTok Account: “Please Come Through for Me”

Source: Instagram 

Koin Kores, a well-known content creator, is asking for financial help to pay his hospital bills after losing his TikTok account. 

Kores, who has been suffering from severe pain and health issues since April, checked into Aga Khan Hospital for treatment. 

However, he faced criticism for choosing such an expensive hospital. In response, he explained his situation and appealed to Kenyans for support.

In an exclusive interview with, Kores revealed that he has been dealing with nerve damage and eye problems caused by an infection. 

He said that his TikTok account, which he was using to raise funds for his treatment, was banned because he asked for medical help. This has made it difficult for him to gather the needed money for his hospital bills.

“I just want people to come through for me,” Kores said. “My TikTok account was banned because I was asking for medical help. That was where I was fundraising, but now I can’t use it anymore.”

Kores has been sick since April and has used all his savings to seek treatment in different hospitals.

Despite his efforts, his health condition worsened, leading him to seek treatment at Aga Khan Hospital. He checked into the hospital after breaking down online and pleading for help.

Koin Kores’ health problems began in April, when he started experiencing severe pain. After visiting several hospitals, doctors discovered that he had an infection that caused nerve damage and eye issues. 

Despite receiving treatment, his condition did not improve, and he continued to suffer from severe pain.

In his interview with, Kores shared that he had been trying to raise funds through his TikTok account. 

However, after his account was banned, he lost his primary means of fundraising. This has made it even more challenging for him to gather the money needed for his medical expenses.

Kores explained that he had been using his TikTok account to share his story and ask for help.

Many of his followers responded positively, and he was able to raise some funds. However, with his account banned, he has lost that source of support.

Koin Kores is now asking Kenyans to help him raise the money he needs to pay his hospital bills. The total bill is KSh 262,058, and he has managed to pay KSh 200,000. 

He still needs to raise the remaining KSh 62,058 to cover his medical expenses and buy necessary medication.

“I used all the money from April to mid-July in different hospitals,” Kores said. “I am just me and praying to God to restore my health. The whole bill is KSh 262,058, and I have managed to pay KSh 200,000. I still need dawa (medicine).”

To support Kores, people can use the till number 9434861. He hopes that with the help of kind-hearted Kenyans, he will be able to pay his remaining hospital bills and continue his treatment.

Despite his struggles, Koin Kores has received some support from fellow celebrities. Nyako, a popular TikToker, has been one of the few celebrities who came through for him. She helped him raise KSh 70,000 on TikTok before his account was banned.

Nyako also won the Comic Content Creator of the Year award recently, and Kores was seen happily celebrating her win.

In response, Nyako asked him to get in touch with her to show appreciation for his support. She later gifted him KSh 20,000, which Kores shared in a video, thanking her for her generosity.

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