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Nairobi Mortuary Attendant Explains How the Dead Communicate and Shares Job Insights

Source: Youtube

Sam, a morgue worker in Nairobi, offers a unique look into his often misunderstood profession. 

During an interview with Plug TV, he discussed how dead bodies communicate and shared some unusual requests he has received from grieving families. 

He also addressed common myths about his job, leaving many Kenyans with a newfound respect for mortuary attendants.

Sam's job involves handling and preparing deceased bodies, which is not something many people can imagine doing.

Despite the somber nature of his work, he approaches it with a deep sense of respect and care. He emphasized that working in a mortuary requires a special kind of dedication and compassion.

One of the most surprising aspects of Sam's interview was his statement that dead bodies do communicate, but not in the way people might think.

According to Sam, the dead do not speak or make sounds. Instead, they can "communicate" through dreams. He shared that he has never experienced anything like seeing ghosts or hearing voices while on the job. For him, when a person dies, that is the end of their physical presence.

Sam explained that it is natural for those who are grieving to feel a connection with their lost loved ones. 

Dreams can be a part of this grieving process, providing comfort or messages to the bereaved. He assured that these experiences are normal and can be a healthy way to cope with loss. 

During his time as a mortuary attendant, Sam has encountered various requests from families that reflect cultural and personal beliefs. 

For instance, some communities have specific traditions about how a body should be dressed. Sam mentioned that certain tribes do not allow the deceased to be dressed in particular undergarments because they believe it could bring bad luck to the living.

These requests, while sometimes unusual, are always honored by Sam and his colleagues out of respect for the family's wishes and cultural practices. This level of respect and sensitivity is crucial in his line of work, as families are often going through one of the most difficult times in their lives.

The public's reaction to Sam's interview was overwhelmingly positive. Many people expressed their admiration for his dedication and the respect he shows towards both the dead and their families. Comments on social media highlighted the essential role that morgue attendants play in society.

One commenter, joykam8267, applauded Sam for being open about his work while maintaining the privacy and dignity of the deceased. Another, kenitrader9762, noted that professions like morgue attendants and garbage collectors are crucial to society, even if they are not often appreciated.

ChristineNjeri6711 commented that Sam’s job requires a lot of passion and it isn’t easy to handle. SoozieDickson5669 added that Sam had changed her perspective on morgue attendants, acknowledging the respect he has earned through his work.

Sam also addressed several myths about his profession. One common misconception is that morgue attendants regularly experience supernatural events, such as hearing voices or seeing ghosts.

Sam debunked these myths by sharing his own experiences, or lack thereof. He has never encountered any supernatural occurrences while working night shifts at the mortuary. 

He noted that the only form of "communication" from the dead he has experienced is through dreams. Sam joked that he is still waiting for the day he gets nightmares, indicating that his job, while somber, does not involve the frightening experiences often portrayed in movies and stories.

Sam’s interview also brought to light a chilling story from a former mortuary attendant named Magwanja Osufuche.

In September 2023, Osufuche caused a stir when he revealed that he used to ensure people who appeared to be dead were actually dead by hitting them on the back of the head with an axe.

He claimed he was paid KSh 400 per day for this gruesome task. However, his career ended when he was supposedly confronted by the ghost of an elderly woman he had "finished off."

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