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Raila Odinga Faces Backlash Over ODM Leaders in Ruto's Cabinet

Nairobi—Raila Odinga, Kenya’s former Prime Minister, is facing significant criticism from Kenyans after President William Ruto unveiled his new cabinet on July 24, 2024.

The announcement included several prominent members of Odinga’s ODM party, sparking widespread backlash and accusations of betrayal from various quarters.

The new cabinet features high-profile ODM leaders. Former governors Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya have been appointed to key roles.

Additionally, MPs Opiya Wandayi and John Mbadi have also been included in the list of nominees.

Mbadi is set to take over as the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury, while Wandayi will manage the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum.

The appointments have drawn sharp criticism from the public, who accuse Odinga of compromising his position as an opposition leader for personal gain.

Many Kenyans see Odinga’s acceptance of these cabinet positions as a major betrayal. Critics argue that his decision to allow ODM members to join Ruto’s government undermines the principles of the opposition.

They believe that Odinga has shifted his stance from a critic of the government to a participant in it, which they feel is a significant departure from his previous role.

The backlash is also fueled by the perception that Odinga is exploiting the current political unrest and protests to secure advantageous positions for his allies.

Netizens have voiced their discontent across social media platforms, accusing Odinga of opportunism and personal gain.

They argue that by placing ODM leaders in important government roles, Odinga is abandoning the fight for genuine reform and instead opting for political rewards.

Juma G, a vocal critic on social media, has described Odinga as a “sellout,” suggesting that his pursuit of political office is driven more by personal ambition than by a commitment to serve the public.

Juma G’s comment reflects a broader sentiment among those who feel that Odinga's actions are a betrayal of the ideals he once championed.

Makau F. Muli has echoed similar concerns, criticizing Odinga for allegedly betraying the Azimio coalition.

Muli argues that by allowing ODM members to join Ruto’s administration, Odinga is weakening the opposition’s influence and compromising its ability to hold the government accountable.

This move is seen by many as a tactical shift that undermines the opposition's efforts to provide a credible alternative to Ruto’s government.

In response to the criticism, some voices have called for a reassessment of the opposition's strategy.

Muthoni Njakwe has suggested that the opposition needs to focus on finding a strong presidential candidate for future elections.

Njakwe believes that Ruto’s cabinet appointments are designed to solidify his position and diminish the opposition’s chances of mounting a serious challenge.

According to Njakwe, the current political landscape requires a more strategic approach from the opposition to effectively counter Ruto’s administration.

Further criticism comes from Gußtavö, who has labeled Odinga a “conman,” reflecting a deep sense of disillusionment among some of his former supporters.

Gußtavö’s comment highlights the extent of the frustration felt by those who believe that Odinga has betrayed the trust of his supporters for personal or political gain.

Similarly, Dennis Mwendwa has questioned how these appointments will impact ordinary Kenyans, expressing concern that Odinga’s actions could have adverse effects on the public.

The backlash also touches on broader concerns about corruption and governance. Buzeki Kiprop Bundotich-OGW has raised alarms about the potential for increased corruption as a result of ODM’s new roles in government.

Bundotich-OGW accuses Odinga of “cashing out” on the public’s trust and suggests that the inclusion of ODM leaders in the cabinet could exacerbate existing issues with corruption.

This perspective reflects a wider apprehension about the integrity of the new government and its commitment to addressing public concerns.

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