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Ruto Takes Duale to Environment Ministry As Soipan Tuya Takes Defence

On Tuesday, President William Ruto announced important changes to his Cabinet. Soipan Tuya has been appointed to lead the Defence Ministry, while Aden Duale will move to the Ministry of Environment.

Despite President William Ruto's decision to accede to the demands of Gen Z, they have remained resolute on anti-government protests.

This announcement came through a communication sent to Moses Wetang'ula, the Speaker of the National Assembly. In the same communication, Wetang'ula informed the house about 11 new Cabinet Secretary nominees put forward by President Ruto for his revamped Cabinet.

The president had hoped to calm the youth by declining to assent to the controversial Finance Bill 2024 and dismissing his Cabinet save for the Prime Cabinet Secretary.

These 11 nominees are now under review by the Committee on Appointments. This committee has 28 days to vet the nominees and submit a report. The process will ensure that each nominee is suitable for the position they are proposed for.

Gen Z had planned Tuesday protests with hashtags such as #TotalShutdown, #OccupyJKIA, and #RutoMustGo gaining traction online. The protests reveal a growing divide between the government and Gen Z demanding accountability and good governance.

President Ruto had initially named the 11 nominees last Friday. The changes to the Cabinet, including Soipan Tuya’s new role and Aden Duale’s move, are part of the President’s efforts to reconfigure his team.

The youth are particularly angered by the reappointment of politicians previously dismissed from Cabinet and claims of a questionable 30-year lease of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), allegedly approved without following due process. 

Aden Duale, who is now assigned to the Ministry of Environment, expressed his gratitude and eagerness for the new role. “I look forward to serving in my new portfolio,” Duale said. 

His shift from the Defence Ministry to Environment marks a significant change in his career and the administration’s approach to handling environmental issues.

Soipan Tuya’s appointment to the Defence Ministry is also noteworthy. Tuya, who has previously held other important positions, will now oversee national security and defence matters. Her new role is expected to bring fresh perspectives to the management of the country’s defence policies.

As the Committee on Appointments reviews the nominees, the country will be watching to see how these changes will impact the government’s performance and the delivery of services.

The protesters now plan to disrupt operations at JKIA by blocking major roads such as Mombasa Road, the Expressway, Outering Road, and Airport Road. Their plan includes dismantling fences and marching into the airport to create significant disruption and draw global attention to their cause.

Overall, these adjustments are part of President Ruto’s ongoing efforts to optimize his Cabinet and improve the efficiency of his government. The upcoming report from the Committee on Appointments will be crucial in finalizing these changes and setting the direction for the new team.

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