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5 Killed In Murang'a after Speeding Collided Head-on With A Personal Car

A tragic road accident occurred in Murang'a County, leading to the deaths of five people. The accident happened in the Kagurumo area along the Murang'a-Kenol Highway on Thursday afternoon.

The accident involved a Toyota Wish car and a trailer. According to the police, the trailer was driving in the wrong lane. As a result, the Toyota Wish collided head-on with the trailer. 

The impact was severe, and the car was heavily damaged. All five people in the Toyota Wish, including the driver, died at the scene. Eyewitnesses at the scene described the accident as horrifying. 

One witness said, "The car was completely destroyed. It's heartbreaking to see such loss of life." Another resident, visibly shaken, added, "We heard a loud crash and ran to see what happened. It was terrible. The car was in pieces, and there was nothing we could do to help."

The police arrived shortly after the accident. They confirmed that the trailer was in the wrong lane, causing the collision. "Due to the impact, the driver of the Toyota Wish and four others were fatally injured," said the police report. 

The bodies were taken to a morgue in Murang'a for identification and autopsy. The local community is in shock and mourning after the accident. Many residents are angry and frustrated by the increasing number of road accidents in the area. 

In response to this latest tragedy, they took to the streets, lighting bonfires and demanding action from local authorities. They called for the installation of speed bumps and other measures to improve road safety.

One resident said, "We cannot keep losing lives like this. The authorities must do something to make our roads safer." Another added, "We need speed bumps and better enforcement of traffic rules. This has to stop."

This accident is not an isolated incident. Just five days earlier, another fatal accident occurred on the Thika-Murang'a Highway. In that accident, four people died when a personal car, believed to be driven by an intoxicated driver, swerved and hit another car. 

The impact caused the second car to roll into the opposite lane, where it was hit by an overspeeding bus. One person died on the spot, and three others died later in the hospital.

Murang'a police commander Mathiu Kaingi spoke about the recent accidents, saying, "We are deeply saddened by these tragic events. We have launched investigations into both accidents and are committed to finding those responsible. 

We urge all drivers to follow traffic rules and be vigilant on the roads." In light of these tragic accidents, it's clear that road safety needs to be a top priority.  

Speed bumps can help slow down traffic, especially in accident-prone areas. They are a simple yet effective way to reduce speeding and prevent accidents.

More police presence on the roads can deter reckless driving and ensure that traffic rules are being followed. Regular patrols can help catch and penalize offenders, promoting safer driving habits.

Educating the public about road safety is crucial. Campaigns can highlight the dangers of drunk driving, speeding, and not following traffic rules. Awareness programs in schools, communities, and through media can make a significant impact.

Poor road conditions contribute to many accidents. Regular maintenance and repairs can make roads safer. This includes fixing potholes, ensuring proper signage, and maintaining clear markings on the road.

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