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Bradley Marongo's Mother Shares Their Struggles: 'We Have No Home, No Land"

Bradley Marongo, a 22-year-old Kenyan known for his extraordinary height, has recently gained attention across the country.

Standing out as one of the tallest people in Kenya, Bradley’s story has captivated many, but behind the fame lies a tale of hardship that he and his family continue to endure.

In a heartfelt interview, Bradley’s mother, Monica, opened up about the tough challenges their family has been facing, revealing a side of Bradley's life that few people know.

Bradley's unique height made headlines after his interviews on social media went viral. Known by many as “Bradley Mtall,” his towering presence has fascinated Kenyans.

Despite the attention he’s received, Bradley remains humble and deeply connected to his family. His love for them is evident, as he continues to do his best to support them despite the odds.

However, life for Bradley and his family has been far from easy. Monica shared that their family faces serious financial difficulties.

She revealed that they are currently homeless and do not own any land, making their situation even more difficult. Raising a son like Bradley, who is exceptional in many ways, has been both a blessing and a struggle for Monica.

Bradley is the youngest in his family, and his height, while extraordinary, has not shielded them from the hardships of poverty.

He currently works as a tout to make ends meet, but even with his efforts, the family continues to struggle to meet their basic needs.

Monica expressed her gratitude for the attention her son has received and hopes that it could lead to better opportunities for Bradley and their family.

During the interview, Monica also appealed to well-wishers, asking for help in securing a stable job for Bradley. 

According to her, Bradley is willing to take on any job that would allow him to support his family. She emphasized that he is ready to work hard to ensure they have a better future.

Monica also took the opportunity to clarify some misinformation that had been circulating about Bradley. Contrary to some reports that suggested he was 27 years old, she confirmed that Bradley is actually 22 years old.

Additionally, she mentioned that despite his age and fame, Bradley does not yet have an identification card (ID), which has further complicated their situation.

As a mother, Monica remains hopeful that with Bradley's growing fame, someone might offer him a chance to improve their lives. She dreams of a future where her son can secure a decent job that will lift them out of poverty.

Her plea for help resonates with many Kenyans who have followed Bradley's story, as it highlights the ongoing struggles of a family doing their best to survive in difficult circumstances.

Bradley’s story has touched the hearts of many. His humble beginnings, combined with his deep love for his family, make him a figure that people can rally behind. His interviews have not only showcased his unique personality but also his determination to rise above the challenges life has thrown at him.

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