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Housemaid Pleads Guilty To Stealing Ksh.683,000 Ring, Selling It at Ksh.4,000

Francis Mwima (left) and Violet Ndukwe (right) charged with stealing a gold ring.

On August 12, 2024, Violet Ndukwe Lijodi, a househelp from Runda Acacia Grove, appeared in Milimani Law Court facing charges for the theft of a gold ring valued at Ksh. 683,000 (approximately USD 5,300).

The case has drawn attention due to the significant value of the stolen item and the circumstances surrounding its sale.

Violet, who worked as a domestic worker for a family in the affluent neighborhood of Runda Acacia Grove, is accused of taking the valuable gold ring from her employer’s home. 

It is alleged that Violet then sold the ring to Francis Mwima for just Ksh. 4,000. The disparity between the ring’s worth and the amount Violet received highlights the gravity of the theft and the economic disparity involved.

In court, Violet admitted her guilt regarding the theft. She expressed deep remorse and requested the court for leniency, pleading for forgiveness on the grounds of her family responsibilities.

Violet’s statement reflects her concern for her children and her hope for a compassionate response from the legal system. Her plea included a request for the court to consider her personal circumstances when determining her sentence.

Francis Mwima, who was accused of buying the stolen ring, denied the charges against him. His defense argued that he should be granted bail, emphasizing that he is not a flight risk. 

According to his lawyer, Francis was arrested at his place of employment, and he has two brothers who live in Nairobi, which suggests strong ties to the area.

The defense team requested that the court set lenient bail terms for Francis, allowing him a fair opportunity to clear his name.

The court agreed to grant Francis bail and set the amount at Ksh. 500,000. This decision reflects the court’s acknowledgment of his current circumstances and his request for fair treatment. 

Additionally, the court has instructed that a sentencing report be prepared, which will provide a detailed account of the case and help in determining the final outcome.

The case is scheduled for further mention on September 5, 2024. At this time, the court will review the sentencing report and make additional decisions regarding both Violet and Francis. 

The upcoming hearing will be crucial in determining the final legal consequences for the individuals involved.

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