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"It's A Demand" Sakaja Calls For Youth Inclusion In Governance, Lauds Gen Z For Advocating New Reforms

Sakaja, known for his dynamic approach to leadership, has recently garnered attention for his unwavering support of youth involvement in decision-making processes. 

His focus is particularly on the younger generations, namely Gen Zs and millennials, who he believes are key to shaping Kenya's future.

Kenya's Gen Zs and millennials have increasingly become more vocal about their role in national development. Unlike previous generations, they are not content with being passive observers in the political arena. 

Instead, they are actively demanding their place at the table, advocating for reforms, and pushing for a future that is inclusive and just. 

This generation is marked by its commitment to a tribeless identity, where national unity and equity take precedence over ethnic divisions that have historically plagued the country.

Governor Sakaja has taken note of this emerging trend and has been quick to commend these young Kenyans for their forward-thinking approach. 

At the Africa Youth Forum 2024, held in Nairobi, Sakaja delivered a powerful speech that underscored the importance of youth involvement in governance. 

He expressed his admiration for their relentless pursuit of change and their refusal to be sidelined in matters that directly affect their lives and future.

In his address at the forum, Sakaja highlighted the crucial role that young people play in shaping the nation's future. He pointed out that the youth are not merely asking to be heard—they are demanding it. 

"The young people of Kenya, the Millennials, and Gen Zs, are not begging to be heard. If they are not on the table, there is no table," Sakaja declared, emphasizing that the inclusion of youth in governance is not optional but necessary for the country's progress.

This statement reflects a broader sentiment among Kenya's youth, who are increasingly frustrated with being excluded from decision-making processes. 

For years, young people have been seen as mere beneficiaries of policies rather than active participants in their creation. 

However, this narrative is changing, and Sakaja is at the forefront of this movement, advocating for a more inclusive approach to governance.

To ensure that young people are not just heard but are actively involved in governance, Sakaja has introduced a new model of engagement: the co-creation model. 

This approach moves away from traditional top-down methods, where decisions are made by a select few and then imposed on the majority. 

Instead, the co-creation model places young people at the center of the decision-making process, allowing them to contribute ideas, share their perspectives, and participate in the creation of policies that directly affect them.

Sakaja explained, "Institutions don't talk to institutions. It is the people who talk to people. We must listen, we must have discussions with our young people. 

Sometimes it's important to listen and have respect in meaningful engagement. As a leader, I have changed the model of engaging young people to a co-creating model, putting them at the center of the decision-making process."

This shift in approach is a significant step towards a more inclusive and participatory governance structure. 

By adopting the co-creation model, Sakaja is not only acknowledging the importance of youth voices but also creating a platform where those voices can be amplified and translated into tangible action.

The implications of this shift towards youth inclusion in governance are profound. When young people are involved in the decision-making process, they bring fresh ideas, innovative solutions, and a unique perspective that is often missing in traditional governance structures. 

This is particularly important in a rapidly changing world, where new challenges require new approaches and thinking.

Moreover, involving young people in governance helps to build a sense of ownership and responsibility among the youth. 

When they see that their voices matter and that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to be engaged citizens who are committed to the development of their country. 

This, in turn, leads to a more vibrant and dynamic democracy, where all citizens, regardless of age, have a stake in the nation's future.

Governor Sakaja's emphasis on youth inclusion is not just about creating space for young people in governance—it's about nurturing a new generation of leaders who are equipped to take on the challenges of the future. 

By involving Gen Zs and millennials in the decision-making process, Sakaja is helping to cultivate leaders who are innovative, forward-thinking, and committed to the principles of equity and justice.

These young leaders are already making their mark in various sectors, from technology and entrepreneurship to social activism and environmental conservation. 

They are the driving force behind many of the positive changes taking place in Kenya today, and their influence is only set to grow in the coming years.

As Kenya continues to evolve, the inclusion of young people in governance will be critical to the country's success. Governor Johnson Sakaja's advocacy for youth involvement is a testament to his belief in the power of young people to drive change and shape the future of the nation. 

His commitment to the co-creation model is a step in the right direction, signaling a move towards a more inclusive and participatory form of governance.

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