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Kawira Mwangaza Signs KSh 13 Billion Meru County 2024/25 Budget Amid Impeachment Saga

On August 23, 2024, Meru County Governor Kawira Mwangaza signed the county’s budget for the 2024/25 fiscal year, despite facing a significant political challenge. 

The budget, valued at KSh 13 billion, comes at a time when Mwangaza is entangled in an impeachment drama that has captured the attention of many.

The budget approval process for Meru County encountered several hurdles earlier in the year. In June, a standoff between Mwangaza and the County Assembly halted discussions and delayed the budget's passage. 

The conflict centered around disagreements between the executive branch and the assembly members, causing tension and disruption in the county's financial planning.

The situation escalated when the Meru County Assembly voted to impeach Mwangaza. On August 20, the Senate supported the Assembly’s decision, further complicating Mwangaza’s position as governor. 

Despite this setback, the High Court stepped in to halt the implementation of the impeachment resolution. This court ruling allowed Mwangaza to continue with her official duties, including the crucial task of signing the county budget.

In a statement, Mwangaza emphasized her commitment to the people of Meru, noting that signing the budget was a key step in ensuring that county services and development projects would proceed without interruption. 

“In a pivotal advancement for Meru County’s growth, I have officially signed the budget for the 2024/25 Financial Year,” Mwangaza said.

The newly signed budget reflects a 7.5% increase from the previous year, which had an allocation of KSh 12 billion. This increase demonstrates the county’s ambition to boost its development efforts and improve service delivery. 

The KSh 13 billion budget will be funded through several sources: the equitable share from the national government, conditional allocations for loans and grants, and local revenue generated by the county itself.

The budget is expected to support various projects and services that are essential for the county’s development. These include infrastructure improvements, health services, education, and other community programs.

The increase in funding is intended to address the growing needs of Meru’s residents and to drive economic growth in the region.

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