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Kenyans Mourn as Bishop Johana Who Exorcised Woman Controversially Dies

Condolences poured for Akorino bishop Johanna after his sudden death. Photo: Martha Hinga Official
Source: Facebook

The nation of Kenya is in mourning following the unexpected death of Bishop Johanna, a well-known but controversial figure within the Akorino religious community. 

Bishop Johanna, whose full name has not been widely disclosed, gained significant attention both in Kenya and beyond due to his unconventional and controversial methods of conducting exorcisms. 

His sudden passing on Thursday, August 8, 2024, has led to an outpouring of grief from many Kenyans, despite the divisive opinions surrounding his practices.

Bishop Johanna first rose to national attention when a video of him performing an exorcism went viral. In the video, the bishop was seen touching a woman in what many considered to be an inappropriate manner during a church service.

This incident quickly sparked outrage across social media, with many people condemning his actions as exploitative and abusive. 

The video led to widespread criticism, with numerous Kenyans expressing their disgust and disappointment in what they perceived as a blatant misuse of religious power.

However, Bishop Johanna defended his actions, stating that his methods were intended to help individuals who were believed to be possessed by evil spirits. 

He argued that the physical contact seen in the video was part of a ritual meant to expel demons, a practice he claimed was based on his deep religious beliefs and years of experience in spiritual matters. 

Despite his defense, the controversy surrounding the incident remained, casting a shadow over his ministry.

News of Bishop Johanna's death came as a shock to many, especially given the ongoing debates about his exorcism practices. Social media quickly became a platform for Kenyans to express their thoughts and feelings about his passing. 

Despite the controversy that followed him, many people chose to focus on the human aspect of his death, offering condolences to his family and reflecting on the impermanence of life.

One user, Deborah Kathomi, simply stated, "May his soul rest in peace," echoing the sentiments of many who, regardless of their opinions on his actions, wished for his soul to find peace in death. 

Another commenter, Hildah Resley Sharzzler, shared, "Despite that, I have never glorified death. It hurts so very much. Rest easy, Johanna." 

The reactions to Bishop Johanna's death reveal a divided sentiment among Kenyans. While some focused on the negative aspects of his ministry, others chose to emphasize the inevitability of death and the need for compassion.

Misheck Mutethia Petero commented, "Everything in this beautiful world of God will pass, but the word of God will remain forever. RIP." His words suggest a perspective that looks beyond the individual actions of the bishop and toward a broader understanding of mortality and faith.

Yet, not all reactions were sympathetic. Some, like Shiku Gaitu, pointed out that Bishop Johanna's controversial actions might have contributed to his death.

"People say that the old man died because of his character. My question is that those who didn't die are dying because of bad behavior. Only God has the right to judge," she remarked.

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