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Kirinyaga Mother In Distress After Accidentally Swallowing a Needle

In Mugamba-ciura village, Mwea-East Sub-county, Kirinyaga County, a 31-year-old woman named Everine Karekia is facing a severe health crisis after accidentally swallowing a needle. 

For over four weeks, Karekia has been in distress as the needle remains lodged in her throat. This unfortunate incident happened while she was sewing clothes for her baby.

Karekia, a mother of four, was breastfeeding her eight-month-old baby when the accident occurred. She had placed the needle in her mouth temporarily while working on her sewing project, but the needle ended up being swallowed by mistake. 

Since then, she has been suffering from significant pain and difficulty eating, making her situation even more challenging as she tries to care for her young child.

Her husband, Kelvin Maina, is deeply worried about her condition. The family has visited two hospitals—Embu Level 5 Hospital and Kerugoya Level 4 Hospital—in search of medical assistance.

Despite their efforts, the needle remains stuck in her throat. Both hospitals have informed the family that they need Ksh 10,000 to perform the necessary procedures to locate and remove the needle.

This amount is far beyond what the family can afford, as they are already struggling with basic expenses and daily needs.

Maina has expressed his frustration and helplessness, stating that the family is finding it hard to manage their finances while his wife continues to suffer.

They are facing significant financial difficulties, and the cost of medical care is putting an additional strain on their resources.

With their current financial situation, they are unable to meet the requirements set by the hospitals for further treatment.

In response to the dire situation, the local community has rallied to support Karekia and her family. David Karatai, a local leader, has launched a fundraising campaign to help cover the medical costs.

The community has come together to raise awareness and gather donations to assist Karekia. Karatai emphasized the urgency of the situation, noting that Karekia has been confined to her home for weeks due to her inability to afford further medical care. 

She was referred to a private medical facility but was unable to proceed because of the high costs associated with it.

Local residents, including Lydia Kiura, have voiced their concerns about Karekia’s well-being. Kiura has questioned why financial constraints should prevent someone from receiving essential medical care, especially when there are elected leaders who should be addressing such issues. 

The community is worried that the lack of financial resources could have severe consequences for Karekia's health and her ability to care for her infant.

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