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Nuru Okanga Grateful to CS Kindiki for Paying His Son’s KSh 900,000 Hospital Bill

Nuru Okanga overjoyed after CS Kindiki settles his son's hospital bill. Photos: Nuru Okanga, Kithure Kindiki.
Source: UGC
Nuru Okanga, a political activist known for his involvement in the Azimio La Umoja movement, recently found himself in a deeply challenging situation. 

His 10-year-old son had been hospitalized at 

The boy's condition required extensive medical treatment, and as the days turned into weeks and then months, the hospital bills began to pile up.

By August 11, 2024, the total amount owed had reached a staggering KSh 900,000, a sum that was far beyond Okanga's means.

As a father, Okanga was distraught, not only because of his son's serious health condition but also because he had no way of settling the bill. 

Despite his connections in the political world, he found that many of the politicians he had supported and worked with were not responding to his pleas for help.

Okanga reached out to various Azimio politicians, hoping that they would assist him in his time of need. However, his calls went unanswered by many, leaving him feeling abandoned and desperate.

Raila Odinga, the leader of the Azimio La Umoja coalition, and Babu Owino, a well-known member of parliament, were among the few who did respond.

They tried to help, with Babu Owino even going as far as writing to the hospital to request that the bill be waived. Unfortunately, this request was declined by the hospital, leaving the full burden of the bill on Okanga’s shoulders.

Okanga’s situation seemed increasingly hopeless. His son’s condition required continued medical care, but without the funds to pay for it, Okanga feared the worst. He had no choice but to continue seeking help, even as his efforts seemed to be in vain.

Then, on August 12, 2024, a surprising and welcome development occurred. Interior Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kithure Kindiki stepped in to assist. 

Through politician Mike Makarena, CS Kindiki arranged for the entire hospital bill to be paid. The KSh 900,000 that had weighed so heavily on Okanga’s mind was suddenly no longer an issue.

In addition, CS Kindiki promised to cover an extra KSh 120,000 to send Okanga’s son's blood samples to either India or South Africa for further medical analysis, ensuring that the boy would receive the best possible care.

For Okanga, this act of kindness was nothing short of a miracle. After months of stress, sleepless nights, and unanswered calls for help, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. 

His son’s medical needs were being taken care of, and he no longer had to worry about how he would pay the bills.

Speaking to, Okanga expressed his profound gratitude to CS Kindiki. He mentioned that this was the first time in a long while that he had felt such overwhelming happiness, a feeling that he had almost forgotten.

The news of CS Kindiki’s generosity quickly spread, and many Kenyans took to social media to commend the Cabinet Secretary for his actions. 

People praised him for stepping in when Okanga was in desperate need, highlighting that this was the kind of leadership that the country needed.

The comments were filled with admiration for CS Kindiki’s decision to prioritize helping a family in distress over political considerations.

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