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Painful Betrayal: My Husband Impregnated Our 16-year-old Daughter, Faked Cancer For Financial Gain

Caroline Achieng, a resident of Kibera, has shared an incredibly painful story about how her life was turned upside down by betrayal from those she loved and trusted the most. 

Her husband, whom she met when she was just 22, and their daughter both played roles in a deceitful scheme that shattered her world.

Caroline's early life was marked by difficulty. Before meeting her husband, she lived with her brother in challenging conditions. 

When she married her husband, a painter, she hoped for a better future. Together, they had six children and faced numerous hardships, including inadequate housing and financial struggles. 

Despite these challenges, Caroline remained hopeful, believing that their struggles would eventually end. Her husband was insecure and controlling. 

He forbade her from working, fearing that she might be tempted or seduced by others. As a result, Caroline was left to beg for food on the streets to support her family. 

Despite these harsh conditions, Caroline tried to be a good wife, hoping that their situation would improve over time. Eventually, her husband gave her some money to start a charcoal business. 

Caroline ran this business for six years, working hard to provide for her family. However, her life took a devastating turn when her daughter started experiencing severe pain on the left side of her torso.

Concerned about her daughter’s health, Caroline used her savings and borrowed money to send her to Kijabe Hospital, based on her husband's advice. 

Unbeknownst to her, this was part of a carefully orchestrated deception. Instead of going to Kijabe Hospital, her husband and daughter traveled to Naivasha, where they sought a private clinic to terminate her daughter's pregnancy.

The symptoms Caroline's daughter complained about were actually signs of pregnancy, not cancer as they later claimed. Her husband and daughter concocted a story that her daughter had a cancerous tumor. 

They convinced Caroline that her daughter needed expensive radiation treatment, and Caroline, desperate to help her daughter, gathered all the money she could for the supposed treatment.

While Caroline was struggling to raise funds, her husband and daughter were living comfortably on the money she had worked so hard to earn. 

Caroline was completely unaware of their deceit. When her daughter complained of severe pain, Caroline thought it was part of the cancer treatment and continued to support her, even helping her daughter take medication that was actually intended for post-abortion care.

One day, Caroline received an urgent call while she was at work, informing her that her daughter was in severe pain. Rushing home, she found her daughter seemingly fine. 

It was then that the painful truth came to light. Her daughter had undergone an abortion and handed the aborted fetus to her father, who disposed of it secretly.

Despite planning another deceitful trip for a supposed follow-up checkup, Caroline’s daughter, overwhelmed with guilt and pain, refused to go. 

Eventually, local residents intervened and rescued Caroline and her daughter from the terrible situation. It was only then that Caroline’s daughter revealed the full extent of the deception. She had been threatened by her father, who had warned her that he would kill her if she ever spoke out.

Caroline's story is a tragic example of how trust and love can be exploited for personal gain. Her husband’s actions not only betrayed her but also caused significant emotional trauma. 

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