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"Sijawahi Kuroga Mtu" Elderly Kisii Parents Demolish Son's House After Accusing Them of Witchcraft

In the village of Kiamachongo, nestled in Kisii County, a disturbing incident has come to light that has left many in the community shocked and saddened. 

Arati Momanyi, an elderly man, and his wife recently demolished the house of one of their sons after he accused them of practicing witchcraft. 

This incident, which took place against the backdrop of a long-standing land dispute, highlights the deep divisions that have emerged within the Momanyi family and raises important questions about how such conflicts can be resolved.

The Momanyi family, like many others in rural Kenya, has been grappling with internal conflicts for some time. At the heart of the dispute is a piece of land that has become a source of tension and division among family members. 

Land is often a precious and contested resource in many Kenyan communities, and disagreements over its ownership and use can lead to bitter disputes.

For Arati Momanyi and his wife, the conflict with their children has been especially painful. They have watched as the sons they raised turned against them, accusing them of things that, in their view, are unimaginable. 

The most recent and hurtful of these accusations was the claim that they were practicing witchcraft, a charge that carries significant cultural and social weight in many Kenyan communities.

Witchcraft is a deeply rooted belief in some parts of Kenya, and being labeled a witch can have severe consequences, including social ostracism, violence, or even death. 

For the elderly couple, being accused of witchcraft by their own son was not only a personal betrayal but also a terrifying prospect that could lead to their harm or banishment from their community.

The situation reached a critical point when one of Momanyi's sons, who had been at odds with his parents over the land issue, accused them of witchcraft and threatened their lives. 

This accusation seemed to be the breaking point for the elderly couple. In a fit of rage and despair, they decided to demolish their son's mud house, an act that symbolized the complete breakdown of trust and love within the family.

Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic and heartbreaking. The elderly couple, fueled by a mix of anger, hurt, and fear, tore down the house that their son had called home. 

As they did so, they voiced their pain and confusion, asking how the children they had raised could turn against them so completely. 

"I am asking the government, is this really okay?" Momanyi said. "When one gets old, does it mean they become a witch? Why do they want to chase me away from my land?"

These words reflect the deep sense of betrayal and loss that Momanyi and his wife feel. They are struggling to understand how their family has come to this point and are desperate for answers and resolution.

In many parts of Kenya, accusations of witchcraft are not taken lightly. Such accusations can lead to violence, social exclusion, or even death. 

The belief in witchcraft is deeply entrenched in some communities, and those accused are often viewed with suspicion and fear. 

In some cases, people accused of witchcraft are driven out of their homes or villages, their lives effectively destroyed by the stigma.

For the Momanyi family, the accusation of witchcraft has added another layer of complexity to an already difficult situation. 

The land dispute was already causing tension and division, but the witchcraft allegation has escalated the conflict to a new and dangerous level. 

It has also placed the elderly couple in a precarious position, as they now face not only the loss of their family but also the possibility of being ostracized or harmed by their community.

The area chief, Dickson Omaywa, has been aware of the ongoing disputes within the Momanyi family. He noted that the land issues have been a persistent source of conflict and that the situation has become increasingly volatile. 

According to Omaywa, the frequent disagreements have made the Momanyi homestead unsafe, with the sons allegedly plotting to take over the family land by any means necessary, including, as they have reportedly threatened, killing their parents.

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