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"They've Our Support" Babu Owino, Gathoni Wamuchomba Strongly Back Next Week's Gen Z Mega Protests

As the next round of Gen Z protests approaches, prominent MPs Embakasi East's Babu Owino and Githunguri's Gathoni Wamuchomba have openly voiced their support. 

This backing highlights a growing political alignment with the youth's demands for greater government accountability and reform. 

Their stance underscores a critical moment in Kenyan politics, where the concerns of younger generations are increasingly being amplified by political leaders.

On August 16, 2024, Babu Owino and Gathoni Wamuchomba confirmed their support for the upcoming protests organized by Generation Z. 

This demonstration aims to address issues that were left unresolved in previous protests. The MPs’ endorsement signals a significant political development, as it reflects a willingness among some members of parliament to align themselves with the youth's cause, despite potential political risks.

Wamuchomba has been particularly vocal, emphasizing that MPs like herself are not intimidated by accusations related to funding or inciting protests. 

She stated, "Young people of Kenya should now know that they have the support of Members of Parliament like ourselves." 

Her comments underline a determination to support the youth's demands, regardless of the political fallout.

Both Owino and Wamuchomba have been critical of the Kenya Kwanza government, accusing it of failing to address the concerns raised by the youth during previous protests. 

This criticism highlights a broader discontent with the current administration’s handling of key issues such as corruption and ineffective governance.

Babu Owino, in particular, has been outspoken about his dissatisfaction with the government's approach. He has called for the government to show tangible reforms aimed at curbing corruption and improving the efficiency of leadership. 

"The young people are asking that you show them the reforms that you are proposing in order to address corruption and looting of government resources by the people who are under your direct supervision," Owino remarked. 

This call for transparency reflects a broader demand for accountability within the Kenyan political system. Owino's comments also reveal a deeper frustration with the political landscape. 

He has expressed disappointment with some ODM leaders who have accepted positions as Cabinet secretaries, suggesting that this move was strategically designed by President William Ruto to weaken opposition oversight and create an illusion of stability ahead of future elections.

Owino has positioned himself as a leading voice of opposition, criticizing the president for allegedly disregarding key demographic groups such as Gen Z, women, and persons with disabilities in his Cabinet appointments. 

This criticism points to perceived shortcomings in the administration's inclusivity and responsiveness to diverse societal needs.

The involvement of Gen Z in political activism is a significant development in Kenya’s political landscape. 

These young people are increasingly using protests as a platform to demand changes in how the country is governed. 

Their engagement reflects a growing desire among the youth to influence political decisions and hold leaders accountable for their actions.

The upcoming protests, supported by MPs Owino and Wamuchomba, are expected to bring more attention to the issues that Gen Zs are passionate about. 

These include demands for better governance, transparency, and reforms to address systemic corruption. 

The support from politicians like Owino and Wamuchomba could help amplify the youth's voices, making it harder for the government to ignore their concerns.

The support of MPs for the Gen Z protests could have several implications for Kenyan politics. On one hand, it may strengthen the protest movement by providing it with political backing and legitimacy. 

This could pressure the government to address the demands of the youth more seriously.On the other hand, the alignment of some MPs with the protests could lead to increased political polarization. 

The government might view this support as a challenge to its authority, potentially leading to heightened tensions between the ruling party and opposition factions.

Furthermore, the involvement of MPs could shift the dynamics within the opposition. If more MPs begin to support the protests, it could lead to a reconfiguration of political alliances and strategies. 

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