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University of Nairobi Students' Leader Madzao Rocha Disappears Mysteriously After Organizing Protests

University of Nairobi is in turmoil following the sudden and mysterious disappearance of Madzao Rocha, the president of the University of Nairobi Students Association (UNSA).

Rocha, a key figure in student leadership, has been at the forefront of organizing protests against the new university funding model and the high cost of accommodation fees. 

His disappearance has left the student community anxious and worried about his safety, with many suspecting that his activism may have led to his current predicament.

Rocha had become a vocal critic of the rising costs faced by students, particularly the KSh 42,000 accommodation fee, which he argued was too high given the poor living conditions on campus. 

He had called for the fee to be reduced to a maximum of KSh 15,000, stating that students were being forced to pay more than they could afford for inadequate services.

Additionally, Rocha was a fierce opponent of the new university funding model introduced by the government. He believed that the new system placed an overwhelming financial strain on students, making higher education increasingly inaccessible. 

According to Rocha, education should not be treated as a business but as a basic right that should be affordable to all.

In his last public statement, Rocha called on students to stand united and demand change. He emphasized that students had reached the limit of their patience and it was time for them to take action. 

He was organizing a mass demonstration scheduled for September 2, 2024, aimed at pressuring the university administration to review its fee structure and make education more affordable.

However, in the days leading up to the planned demonstration, Rocha went missing under mysterious circumstances. 

His sudden disappearance has raised alarm among students and has led to widespread speculation that it may be linked to his outspoken stance against the university’s policies and the government’s approach to funding.

In response to Rocha’s disappearance, students at the University of Nairobi have taken to the streets in protest, demanding answers and calling for an immediate investigation into his whereabouts. 

The protests have been marked by a mix of anger and concern, with students expressing fear that Rocha may have been targeted because of his activism.

"We are deeply concerned about Madzao Rocha's safety. He has been a fearless leader who always stood up for the rights of students. We want answers, and we want him back safe," said one of the students who joined the protest.

The disappearance has also sparked outrage on social media, where Kenyans from all walks of life have expressed their concern. Many are calling on the authorities to investigate Rocha’s disappearance and ensure that student leaders are protected. 

The hashtag #FindRocha has been trending on Twitter, with thousands of people sharing messages of support and demanding justice for the student leader.

The incident has raised larger questions about the safety of student leaders in Kenya, particularly those who challenge policies that they believe are unfair. Rocha’s disappearance has highlighted the risks faced by young activists who dare to speak out against issues affecting them and their fellow students.

The University of Nairobi administration has not yet issued an official statement regarding Rocha’s disappearance, and efforts to reach them for comment have been unsuccessful. 

Meanwhile, the students have vowed to continue their protests until Rocha is found and their demands for fair fees and better living conditions are addressed.

Madzao Rocha’s disappearance comes at a time when there is growing frustration among students across the country over the rising cost of education and the challenges of securing affordable accommodation. 

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