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Fire Destroys Dormitory at John Mbadi Oma Secondary School, 65 Students Affected

A fire broke out early Wednesday morning at John Mbadi Oma Mixed Secondary School in Suba South, Homa Bay County, destroying a dormitory where 65 students had spent the night.

Authorities are now investigating the cause of the fire, which has left the students and the school community in shock.

According to Suba Deputy County Commissioner, Sebastian Okiring, the fire started at around 7 a.m. in the school's dormitory. 

The students who slept in the building the night before were not inside the dormitory when the fire broke out, as most of them had already left for morning activities.

The fire spread quickly, reportedly catching onto mattresses and mosquito nets, which accelerated the flames.

 While no injuries have been reported, the fire caused significant damage to the structure, completely destroying the roof and the students' personal belongings stored in the dormitory.

Commissioner Okiring confirmed that the roof of the dormitory was entirely destroyed and would need to be replaced.

Structural engineers are expected to assess the walls of the building to determine if they remain safe and whether the dormitory can be rebuilt on the same foundation.

"Experts will inspect the structural integrity of the remaining walls and provide necessary guidance," Okiring said. He further added that at least 60 boxes, which contained students' clothes and other personal items, were also lost in the fire.

Authorities are now working to determine what sparked the fire. The dormitory was equipped with solar panels and batteries to provide lighting, and the initial assumption was that a battery fault might have caused the incident. However, Okiring ruled out this possibility after police and school staff examined the scene.

"The batteries are placed at the entrance of the building, but the fire began on the opposite side. Therefore, we have ruled out any battery-related issues as the cause," Okiring said.

Local police arrived at the school shortly ater the fire was reported and immediately began investigating the incident. While the investigation is still in its early stages, they are leaving no stone unturned in determining the actual cause of the fire.

Firefighters also responded to the incident, but the fire had already done significant damage by the time they arrived. Students and staff are anxiously waiting for answers regarding what may have caused the fire.

Despite the devastating incident, learning at John Mbadi Oma Mixed Secondary School has continued. Okiring said the school is making every effort to ensure that students' education is not disrupted while they deal with the aftermath of the fire.

"Lessons are going on as usual. We encourage students to remain calm as investigations continue," said Okiring.

The school administration and local authorities are working together to address the immediate needs of the affected students. Many of them lost essential items such as uniforms, books, and personal belongings. The school is reaching out to well-wishers to assist in replacing what was lost in the fire.

Commissioner Okiring also appealed to the public and charitable organizations to help the students who lost their belongings in the fire. 

He emphasized that while the school and the local government will do their part, additional support from well-wishers would go a long way in helping the students get back on their feet.

"We are reaching out to well-wishers to assist the affected students with necessities such as clothing and school supplies," he said. "This will help them regain a sense of normalcy while we continue to investigate the fire."

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