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Kenyan Woman Dating Married Man Who She's Given For Cried Upon Learning He's Dependent On His Wife

Kenyan Woman Dating Married Man Left Confused After Learning Wife Was Provider
Source: Getty Images

A Kenyan woman is facing significant difficulties after discovering that her married partner was financially dependent on his first wife.

This revelation came months after she gave birth to their child, and it has left her in a challenging and distressing situation.

The story began when the woman started dating a married man whose wife was struggling with infertility. Initially, the man seemed to be well-off, able to provide a comfortable lifestyle. 

As their relationship developed, the man requested that she have a child with him, and she agreed. Throughout her pregnancy, the man's wife, an accountant, showed remarkable kindness and support.

She visited the woman in the hospital, and even 

However, the situation took a drastic turn when the wife decided to move to Canada three years ago. This move revealed the full extent of the financial difficulties the man was facing.

The woman discovered that the wife had been the primary financial supporter of their household. She had sold all their possessions without the husband's knowledge, and left behind significant debts, including a car loan and a struggling business that she had been running.

With the wife gone, the man’s financial problems became apparent. He struggled to manage the debts and his business collapsed. The car loan was repossessed, leaving him in a dire financial situation. 

This sudden shift left the woman in a precarious position, having to care for their two children with no financial support from the man. Her attempts to reach out to the wife for help were unsuccessful, as the wife had cut off all communication.

The wife has since started a new life in Canada. She remarried and had triplets with her new husband, a foreign national.

Despite earlier promises to support the woman and her children, the wife has not honored these commitments, leaving the woman feeling abandoned and betrayed.

Faced with these challenges, the woman is now considering legal action. She is exploring whether there is any legal recourse in Kenya that could compel the wife to provide the support she initially promised.

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