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TSC Issues New Directive To School Heads, Says They Must Stay on Campus to Ensure Student Safety

In a move aimed at improving student safety and school management, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued new guidelines mandating that all school heads and their deputies remain on school premises during school hours. 

This directive, which has been met with widespread approval from parents and students alike, seeks to address concerns about student well-being and effective school oversight.

The TSC's decision comes in response to several troubling incidents reported in schools across the country. These incidents, including accidents and cases of bullying, have been linked to the absence of school leaders during critical times. 

The TSC emphasizes that school leaders play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and handling emergencies.

With school heads and their deputies on-site, they will be better positioned to quickly respond to any issues that arise, manage school activities effectively, and ensure that the school environment remains secure. 

This increased presence is expected to help prevent incidents and address problems before they escalate.

To enforce this new rule, the TSC has warned that strict measures will be taken against any headteacher or deputy who fails to comply. 

Possible consequences for non-compliance include disciplinary actions such as suspension or even dismissal from their position.

Parents have expressed relief and optimism following the announcement. Many have previously voiced concerns about inadequate supervision in schools, especially during break times and after school hours. 

The new directive is seen as a positive step towards addressing these concerns, as it promises increased supervision and a safer environment for students.

In addition to enhancing safety, the TSC's directive is also expected to improve overall school management. By having school leaders present on campus, the day-to-day operations of schools are likely to run more smoothly.

School heads and their deputies will be able to oversee various aspects of school life, from academic activities to student behavior, ensuring that everything is managed effectively and in accordance with school policies.

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