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Crisis at City Mortuary as Police Stranded with Unidentified Bodies Due to Capacity Issues

A serious situation unfolded at the City Mortuary when police officers were blocked from delivering unidentified bodies.

The morgue is currently overwhelmed, holding 607 bodies, while its official capacity is only 184. This has created a significant crisis for both the police and the mortuary staff.

On the day of the incident, police arrived at the mortuary with several unidentified bodies, expecting to hand them over. However, they were met with a flat refusal from the mortuary staff, who explained that there was no room for any more bodies.

The officers were left with no choice but to keep the bodies in their vehicles for most of the day, as they had nowhere else to take them.

As night fell, the police decided to return to the mortuary, hoping for a change in circumstances. Unfortunately, they were denied access again, leading the junior officers to inform their superiors about the ongoing problem.

The situation escalated, and even high-ranking officers were unable to gain entry, being told repeatedly that the morgue was at full capacity.

The staff at the mortuary are under strict orders from City Hall not to allow any police vehicles with unidentified bodies to enter. They fear losing their jobs if they do not follow these orders.

In fact, one staff member was reportedly asked to write a report explaining why he had accepted two bodies brought in by police earlier that week.

After hours of frustration and uncertainty, the situation finally changed when county officials intervened. Following a series of phone calls, the police were finally allowed to bring in the nine bodies they had been carrying. This resolution came only after significant pressure was applied to the mortuary staff, who were trying to adhere to the restrictive orders.

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