Violet Mukabana, a young woman from Nairobi, has shared her painful journey of discovering she was infected with HIV by her boyfriend.
Violet met her boyfriend at a club, and within two months of dating, she found out she was pregnant with his child. Their relationship progressed quickly, but there was a devastating secret hidden beneath.
During her pregnancy, Violet attended regular prenatal clinics where everything seemed normal, and there were no signs of any health concerns, including HIV.
She believed she was healthy and had no reason to worry about her status. However, her life took a drastic turn months after giving birth to a healthy baby girl.
Violet's boyfriend, who she later found out was married and had two children, often took her back and forth between Nairobi and his home village.
One day, while she was unwell and waiting for treatment at a dispensary, she decided to take an HIV test at a Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) center nearby, hoping to pass the time.
To her shock, the test came back positive, and she could not believe the results. Confident that her boyfriend was the one who had infected her, Violet urged him to take the test as well.
After much hesitation, he finally agreed, and his results also turned out positive. However, instead of supporting her or taking responsibility, he asked her to keep the diagnosis a secret, telling her not to tell anyone, including his family.
Violet was left feeling completely isolated, unable to share her pain or seek support from anyone around her. She had no close relatives or friends she could trust with this devastating news.
One of the hardest moments for her was realizing that she could not breastfeed her child due to her HIV status.
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