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Victoria Mumbua’s Sister Pens Tearjerking Posts After Her Tragic Death

The sudden death of Victoria Mumbua has left her family and friends heartbroken. Mumbua, a hardworking taxi driver and mother of three, went missing after offering a ride to a few passengers. 

Sadly, her body was later discovered, shattering the hopes of those who were praying for her safe return.

Her sister, in particular, has been deeply affected by the tragedy. In a tear-filled social media post, she admitted that she doesn’t know how to break the news to her son, who is a student at Lenana High School.

"I never thought I would wake up and go to bed crying every day," she wrote.

She also mentioned having a dream about her sister’s death, which has only added to her emotional struggle.

Mumbua’s sudden death has sparked a wave of reactions from the public, with many expressing their condolences and frustrations online. James, one of her friends, posted a message asking for divine justice: 

"A mother, working hard to provide for her family, was taken too soon by killers. Lord, we leave this battle to you." This sentiment is echoed by many others who are mourning her untimely passing.

Kamenju, another commenter, expressed sorrow and anger, saying, "What a sad ending to a hardworking lady taxi driver. Kenyans had hoped she would be found alive. 

Let her killers know no peace!" These posts show the deep impact Mumbua’s death has had on those who knew her, as well as the wider community.

Mumbua leaves behind three children, who are now facing life without their mother. Her dedication to providing for her family was well known, and her tragic death has left many asking for answers. 

People across the country are joining in the call for justice, hoping that the culprits will be caught and held accountable for their actions.

The painful loss of such a caring and hardworking woman has left many grappling with feelings of grief and injustice. 

As the investigation continues, her family and friends are left to mourn and remember the life of a mother, sister, and friend whose life was cut short in such a tragic way.

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