A young woman from Nairobi, Irene Matete, recently shared a heartbreaking story about how her relationship ended when she refused to quit her job to please her boyfriend's mother.
Irene met a well-educated and financially stable man from Thika named Tom. They quickly bonded, and Irene was introduced to Tom's family.
However, during a visit to his village, Tom's mother made an unusual request: she asked Irene to quit her job and stay in the village to take care of the homestead once they got married.
At first, Irene felt welcomed by Tom’s family, and everything seemed fine.
She helped prepare dinner and spent time chatting with Tom's mother late into the evening. But then, the situation took an unexpected turn.
Tom's mother suggested that Irene quit her job because she believed that a wife’s primary duty was to manage the household, not work outside.
She even told Irene that she would not be happy in the marriage if she continued to work, as it would prevent her from taking care of the family.
Despite feeling uncomfortable with the request, Irene remained firm in her decision.
She explained that she valued her career and did not want to give it up. The next day, Tom’s mother asked Irene if she had decided to quit her job.
When Irene declined, Tom’s mother informed her that she would not make a good wife because she wasn’t willing to give up her career. Soon after, Tom broke up with Irene, siding with his mother over his girlfriend.
Irene was devastated by the sudden breakup, especially since she had been led to believe that their relationship was strong.
Tom’s cousin had earlier warned her about his mother’s controlling nature, but she had hoped things would work out.
The breakup was a painful reminder that sometimes, even in the strongest relationships, family dynamics can play a huge role in decisions that affect the future.
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