Residents of Kimadegwa village in Kirinyaga are reeling from the shocking discovery of a 3-month-old baby girl abandoned outside a tenant's house.
The baby was found lying on the ground after her cries caught the attention of the building's residents.
The local community was left in disbelief, as no one had anticipated such an unfortunate event.
According to Julius Waweru, the area’s assistant chief, the mother left the baby after her husband deserted her and moved in with another woman in the same village.
The woman’s abandonment of the child has raised questions about her emotional and mental state, as well as the pressures she might have been facing in her personal life.
Waweru confirmed that the authorities are actively searching for the woman for interrogation.
He expressed concern over the situation, stating that it was a grave case of neglect.
The child, in good health, was rescued by neighbors and taken to the Mwea West sub-county children’s office for care and protection.
This incident is not an isolated one in Kenya. In other parts of the country, there have been similar cases of infants being abandoned due to various personal challenges faced by their mothers.
In a related event, residents of Juja, Kiambu, were shocked when a baby was found abandoned by the roadside with a note from the mother asking the child to find her when they grew up.
In the case of the Kirinyaga baby, the community is rallying to support the infant, but the search for the mother continues.
As the authorities work to locate her, there is a growing concern over the welfare of children in similar situations across the country.
Efforts to address the root causes of such incidents, including providing better support for struggling families, are crucial to preventing further abandonment cases in the future.
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