Judith Jepletin, a 16-year-old orphan from Chepkoiyo village in Nandi County, is desperately seeking help to pay her school fees after missing a week of school.
The young girl, a Form Two student at St. Teresa of Avila Girls, is currently unable to report back to school due to financial constraints.
Speaking tearfully, Judith shared her heartbreak with the public: "Oh my God, why did I lose all my parents?
I could not have been going through this situation! I went through the same last year in Form One; God, why me?"
She expressed how painful it is to watch her classmates continue with their education while she remains at home.
Judith’s plight began in 2014 when her mother passed away. Since then, she and her six siblings have lived under the care of their elderly grandmother.
Her brother, Dovias Kipchumba, explained that he was able to pay her school fees for Form One last year, but this year, he has struggled to come up with the required funds.
“Our mum died in 2014. We are seven children, all living with our grandmother. Jepletin has not reported to school yet due to a lack of fees.
I tried my best last year when I was joining, but this time, it has been difficult,” Kipchumba said.
The family’s financial situation has worsened, with Dovias doing everything he can to ensure his sister's education continues.
However, the required school fees are between KSh 40,000 to 42,000, and without assistance, Judith's dream of completing her secondary education may remain unfulfilled.
Students at St. Teresa of Avila Girls reported to school on January 7, but Judith has been stranded at home for a week.
Dovias appealed to well-wishers to help, saying, "We are in desperate need. Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference."
Those willing to help Judith can send their contributions to Dovias Kipchumba via Mpesa at 0723723948.
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